I believe Jesus made each of us uniquely beautiful, with His attentive care & unconditional love.

You are His work of art, growing & changing, never remaining the same for long, always with new insights & abilities ~ unique pieces of your puzzle being added & removed. I hope to honor our original Artist with eye-catching portraiture of His good work!

I so enjoy telling my clients' stories in portraiture: who you are, right now! 

& I adore adventures: take me into your world, show me who you are!

My mentor is my favorite photographer:

Before putting a hold on her photography biz,

Tina Wrona generously poured out her knowledge into my eager hands and I tried to catch every last drop.

My imagination has been opened up & my timid heart encouraged by

Heather Larkin, who created her own WORLD of Fairyography.

I am grateful to be presently studying with mentor Sue Bryce;

her portraiture takes my breath away.

In addition, I have enjoyed generous sharing of knowledge by local PNW photographers

Jared M. Burns! & Robin Chavez, Julie Whaley, and Michelle Buck, thank you, all!

On Instagram, I thoroughly enjoy following

Benj Haisch, Charleton Churchill, Olivia Strohm, Ben Sasso, Davey Gravy, Pye Jirsa, Lukas Piatek, Ilya Alt,

and so many friends, so many perspectives!

Our portraiture adventure will be unique and all you.  This will be so much fun!