Marisa & Ben ~ WEDDING in Cascade Mountain Air

July 02, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

This family is a joy to just "be" with ~ I feel so blessed to be welcomed into the midst of them all !

Today I am describing July 2, 2022 ~ the wedding celebration of

Ben & Marisa :)

001 - Titus-Wickerath - Jeannine-Pound-Photography001 - Titus-Wickerath - Jeannine-Pound-PhotographyWedding with Jeannine Pound Photography A bonus of this occasion for me was the presence & assistance of my Adventure Buddy & 2nd Photographer, Jean :)

Jean & I had access to Ben's groom's quarters in Roslyn, mid-morning on the wedding day - after we found it - I admit, I committed a city girl faux pas - eyes on Waze - or it was more likely Apple Maps because... we may be the first photographers to detour down a tiny little cart path in our search for this stylin' Groom's House! Found it! after a 12-point-U-turn :) This was the home of Ben's father's friend, Walker. It is a quintessential groom's house, this place is cool...

All the boys were there, having breakfast and telling Ben-stories :) 

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Yep, golf is on TV and just below the wall of glass overlooking a pretty tee and long fairway dropping away for a view of rolling Cascade foothills, at Sun Country Golf Course :)

Jean & I were fortunate enough to be present for the popping of the celebratory champagne :)


... and in a quieter moment, Ben wrote a note ...



the girls' house was as full as could be of action & makeup in mirrors & silky floral robes & flowers galore...

This is Marisa's family "cabin" in Cle Elum.

This is the place with the view of the Stuart Range across the pastures, the place where she grew up riding her horses, the place where she hosted a group of fellow University students for a getaway from the strain of medical school and that is when this became the place where she fell in love with Ben :)

I believe that Marisa's sisters joked that M had long known she wanted to be married at this place, and then needed to find the perfect man :)


Friends & family set tables beneath the white tent in the pasture, and delivered bouquets by Simplified Celebrations: layers upon layers of petals & sage green leaves:

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Inside the home, with all the pattering of bare feet up & down stairs and sharing of mirrors & hugs, Marisa gave gifts apropos to this place & time ~

silver handmade bracelets from Stampede Jewelry by the Sisters in Suede :) 

Mimosa refreshers with champagne identical to the boys’ :

& after Makeup with Kelli Strok, & during hair with Esther, & before trading her robe for her wedding dress,

Marisa read her note written from Ben ~

& then she was ready


This occasion, this commitment before loving friends & family, has been delayed & anticipated ~ 

Ben & Marisa's engagement photography sessions were in the summer of 2020.

Marisa was not able to have her grandmothers physically present during her in-store wedding dress shopping, but she brought them with her virtually :)

& then, fittingly, she had found the dress she was excited for via the 2020-way, online shopping :)

... Delicate lace train & buttons forever.

Ben & Marisa will be together always ~ so a small delay of just over one year from 2021-2022 to allow COVID prevention measures to take effect ~ what's one year in the grand scheme?  Because of the delay, instead of being married as "baby docs" - newbie MDs - following their UW graduation, now they each have one year of full credentials lined up after their last names, they have now been 

 Dr. Titus & Dr. Wickerath, living & working in Denver, CO for over a year ~

So the "First Look" ~ the surprise factor at the beginning of this day ~ was very special for them. Marisa had managed to keep her dress a secret from her Ben, and it still fits her like a glove. 

Ben's pale green bow tie & grey suit were splendid with the colors of the desert green succulents in the bouquets, and the bright pastel grass of the fields & spring sagebrush ~ there was an excessive amount of rain on the Cascades this Spring!

Ben left for the wildflower lupine field first...

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And closed his eyes.

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Family "Formals" were made with Ben & Marisa's wedding arch, a ranch style arch showcasing the mountains beyond with eucalyptus leaves:

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Fun boots with flowing fabrics :)

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This is when the heavy clouds began to roll in ~ and the wind to blow ~

and guests arrived & were seated ~ and the string trio began to play fun songs :)

On the strings are Marisa's godparents & their son, the family: 

Carrie Rehkopf Michel on violin

John Michel on cello

Bryan Michel on violin

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Pastor Dennis Hickman took his place and our families & bridal party entered :)

The wind arrived & played with dress fabrics throughout the ceremony :) 

THANK YOU so much to the Wickerath & Titus family friends who contributed this phone-video clip of

Ben & Bernadetta & Bud walking the aisle to the Michel family's arrangement of  "Here Comes the Sun" by the Beatles:

Video Clip 2 TY contributor - Ben walking aisle - Here Comes the Sun

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& TY to the person who gave the Mother of the Bride this phone-clip of Austin walking his mum Lauren:


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Thank you SO MUCH to both:  Dave Davidson for this first phone-video clip, and our Italian family friends for the 2nd clip

of Marisa & Jim as they walk toward Ben who is waiting for them at the Arch 

as the Michel family plays their arrangement of Elvis' "I Can't Help Falling in Love":

Video Clip 5 TY Dave Davidson Marisa walking aisle and blowing kiss Video Clip 3 TY Italians - Marisa walking aisle - i cant help falling in love


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& we are officially...

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Husband & Wife

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Ben & Marisa are grabbing a few private moments before making their

Grand Entrance at their RECEPTION!

Next post!

Family & Guests of Ben & Marisa, please find and download photos here!



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